Faith As A Way Of Living

faith Feb 17, 2025
faith as a way of living

Faith is often a term we use when something is going wrong in our lives, “I need to have more faith.” or “I wish my faith was stronger right now.” But what would it look like if faith was a part of everything we do, not just the moments when we feel like we “need” it?

Faith as a way of living means that every area of our life is devoted to loving God and loving people, while holding steadfast to the Word. It means we fully trust the Lord, and walk knowing that we are His. 

Faith is not a one time event where we give our life to Jesus and then return to “normal” life. In fact, faith is something you must work at and build upon.

Faith as a way of living happens in multiple ways, one example of this is daily disciplines. 

Personally, quiet time is one of the things I treasure most in the world. Though I am not perfect, sometimes my quiet time is not spent with the Lord, but I try my best to speak with Him or be in His word daily. A daily practice of spending time with God will grow your faith, and incorporate it into every aspect of your life.

Another practice I use, not only to grow my faith, but honestly it makes me a better person, is acts of service. Not only is this my love language and therefore makes me happy to not only receive but do, it is biblical. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “use whatever gift you have received to serve others.” I ask myself, “what is the next best thing I can do for someone today?” and usually I get a pretty clear answer.

Trust is another huge factor in viewing faith as a way of living. Of course faith and trust go hand in hand, but let’s take a moment to actually define trusting in the Lord. Trust ultimately comes down to completely believing that God is good and has your best interest at heart. This means that when the inevitable happens, things don’t go our way, that we don’t believe it is because God does not love us. It is okay to think that at times, no one has perfect faith or trust, but don’t let that thought control your behavior. 

The last thing I would like to leave you with is a truth I hold close to me. It’s that God has always provided for me. I believe in Manna, the bread that fell from Heaven and fed the Israelites, and proves that God shows up for us on a consistent basis. It doesn’t always look like what we want or expect, but it is always better for us in the end.

Faith as a way of living is devotional and reverence for our Creator and ultimately the best way we can live our life.