Partner with Goby to reduce mental suffering across the world

Your gift will make a difference in the lives of families just like yours

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How Goby helps others along the way:

Empower Families

We help families find peace and freedom in the midst of a chaotic world

Equip Churches

We lead pastors, staff and church families in pursuing mental wellness

Reframe Conversations

We help reframe conversations about mental wellness in the Christian community

Click here to give!

If you prefer to give by check,
our mailing address is:

Goby Ministries

624 W. University Dr #467
Denton, TX 76201


When you donate these amounts, here is an idea of the impact your dollar will have:

  • $10 provides a copy of The Adventures of Toby the Goby or Not Yet
  • $50 provides a set of The 40 I Ams Journals (adult and children's)
  • $100 provides a complete book bundle of all Goby books
  • $500 provides 50 books for Goby School
  • $3,500 provides 500 copies of Not Yet
  • $5,000 covers Toby speaking at a church
  • $7,000 provides coaching for a pastor 
  • $10,000 covers Goby School and Toby speaking at a church
Click here to give!